Financial Date Nights are a great way to set aside a time to discuss the current state of your finances and future plans. Once a month, set a Financial Date Night with your partner. Typical Financial Date Night's last about an hour or two depending on what needs to be discussed. Find a quiet place (which means NO KIDS around) to talk with your partner about your finances. Create a spending plan or update your budget. Set financial goals and an action plan to get it achieved. Share financial worries and provide support and reassurance to your partner if needed.
Be sure to take notes about what is discussed during your date and email it to each other if there is follow-ups that need to be completed.
When you are on the same page with your finances you may find yourself closer and will notice that arguments may decrease especially arguments related to finances. So talk to your partner and set your Financial Date Night for January!
When you are on the same page with your finances you may find yourself closer and will notice that arguments may decrease especially arguments related to finances. So talk to your partner and set your Financial Date Night for January!
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